Fleetcon 2002
"Useful Gaming Links and Information"
Fleetcon 2002 was an event held in September at the Fleet Club on CFB Stadacona. Dave and some of the guys had a MASSIVE game of Battlefleet Gothic. As you can see they had an enormous number of ships to play with - in the end, it was the Imperium that held the day, keeping the little agri-planet of Garn out of the hands of the Chaos Renegades and their nefarious Ork allies. I guess now we'll have to run a 40K campaign to determine what heppens during the inevitable invasion that will follow...

Anyways, it was a fun time. Next year we will be running a Rogue Trader Tournament at Fleetcon, so keep an eye out..

RogueBattalion is a wargamers' club based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. We are a not-for-profit organization that holds wargame tournaments and events. This website is our primary means of communication with the public at large. Please click on one of the links to the right to find out about who we are and what we do. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email us at waaugh@yahoo.com.